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  • Writer's pictureReflux MD

A detailed look at Acid Reflux

The balanced lifestyle of the yesteryears has gone out through the window to make way for a fast-paced lifestyle. And the real cost of this lifestyle is being borne by our health, both mental and physical. Improper eating habits and irregular eating times have led to people becoming less healthy physically. Poor eating habits can cause many problems to the human body, specifically in the digestive tract of the body. One of such commonly occurring conditions is Acid Reflux. With symptoms being observed in almost every other person, let’s take a detailed look at this condition.

What is Acid Reflux and how is it caused?

Acid reflux is a condition that affects the Gastro-esophageal tract of the body which contains the stomach and the esophagus. The point where the two meet is a small opening through which the food enters the stomach. This valve like structure is operated by a small and circular muscle known as the Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES. This muscle tightens up after the food has entered the stomach.

Sometimes due to a bloated stomach or certain dietary habits, the sphincter might relax a bit. Due to the pressure or the relaxed sphincter, acidic gases and fluid built up inside the stomach might reflux back into the esophagus. This is known as Acid Reflux.

Other causes include a condition known as Hiatal Hernia. In this condition, the upper part of the stomach is pushed up a bit so the stomach has some problems keeping the digestive mixture contained inside its walls.

Symptoms related to Acid Reflux

Acid reflux presents itself in common ways namely:

1. Heartburn: What does Heartburn feel like? The answer to that question is a painful sensation felt near the breastbone of the body. Usually, heartburn episodes start after you’ve finished eating. The acidic mixture of the stomach leaks out into the esophagus and causes severe painful sensations.

2. Regurgitation: Sour and bitter tasting fluid backs up in the Esophagus leaving an acidic taste in the mouth.

3. Dysphagia: Due to the constricted and affected Esophagus, people have difficulty in swallowing food. The condition varies in severity from person to person.

Other symptoms include cough fits, ulcerations in the esophageal lining causing bloody stools, nausea etc.

Complications resulting from acid reflux include:

· Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

· Barrett’s syndrome or Barrett’s Esophagus (BE).

· Ulcerations in the inner lining of the esophagus.

· Scaring of the inner lining of the esophagus.

· Fluid buildup inside and near the sinus glands and the ear canal.

Treatment and Remedies

Homemade and natural remedies prove to be very effective in alleviating the symptoms of Acid Reflux. Aloe Vera Juice has been known to cool down the stomach and bring down the bloating. Baking Soda mixed with water helps in bringing down the acidic levels.

Medication such as PPIs, H2 Blockers and Antacids can also be purchased from the pharmacies either in OTC variants or prescription variants.

More than that, the best remedy for Acid Reflux is adapting to a healthier lifestyle and taking small steps towards it.

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